EBSnet offers a variety of licensing configurations that meets your requirements that range from single product licenses to family product licenses. EBSnet delivers its products in source and/or binary format. Six months of free support is included in all packages.
A single product line license allows the customer to integrate EBSnet's source and/or binary package into a specific CPU, peripherals, and hardware configuration. This type of a license ties the clients OEM product (product name, model name, or version number) to a single license. The customer may not distribute source in its OEM.
A family product line license allows the customer to integrate EBSnet's source and/or binary package into a bundle of CPUs, peripherals, and hardware configurations. This type of a license ties the clients OEM products (product name, model name, or version number) to the family license. The customer may not distribute source in its OEM.
A procurement license allows the licensee to distribute EBSnet's source and/or binary packages.
Please contact customer services for prices and information.
Voice: (978) 448-9973
Email: sales@ebsnetinc.com